Drake Choir and Chamber Choir 2012 International Tour

The ensembles will tour Wales and Ireland May 17-29.  We'll post daily blogs about our activities, as well as photos, so you can share in our transformational experiences.  Because May 17 is a travel day and we won't arrive at our first destination until the evening of May 18, please be patient regarding our initial post.

The tour stops/destinations are:
May 17 - flights from Des Moines to Minneapolis; then overnight to London
May 18 - arrive Heathrow at noon; meet tour managers and coaches and head to Wales, with a stop at Stonehenge
May 19 - local sight-seeing; 19.30 concert at the Pavilion in Llandrindod Wells (shared with the Builth Men's Voice Choir
May 20 - travel from south Wales to north Wales, with a visit to Erddig, a National Trust property; 19.30 concert at St. Mary's Parish Church, Flint (shared with the Flint Men's Voice Choir)
May 21- guided tour of Chester; informal singing at Chester Cathedral; visit to Liverpool and the Beatles Story Experience museum; informal singing at Liverpool Cathedral
May 22 - ferry from Holyhead, Wales, to Dublin; 20.00 concert at Trinity College Chapel (shared with the Goethe-Institute Choir)
May 23 - 13.00 concert at St. Patrick's Cathedral; afternoon walking tour of Dublin
May 24 - travel through the Wicklow Mountains; visit to Glendalough Monastic Site and Round Tower; 20.00 concert at St. Aidan's, Ferns
May 25 - travel through the south coast of Ireland, including the Killarney National Park
May 26 - travel to the Ring of Kerry; 20.00 concert at St. Mary's Church, Killarney
May 27 - travel to Galway with stop at the Cliffs of Moher
May 28 - local sight-seeing in Galway; 20.00 concert at St. Nicholas Cathedral, Galway
May 29 - depart Dublin at 9.30; arrive in Atlanta at 1:10; depart Atlanta at 8:58; arrive in Des Moines at 10.12

1 comment:

Mary Terry said...

Thanks for posting the itinerary with this blog. We will enjoy following you.